Sunday, February 8, 2009

Organic is the way to go!

While I am not an "official" biggest loser contestant...I wanted to offer up some nutritional advice. If you watch the label and don't eat anything that has the following in the first 5 items:
1. High Fructose Syrup
2. "Enriched" flour
3. Hydrogenated Oils
Your pounds will begin to fall off! In saying this, you will find that quite a few products have these ingredients. I have found that Organic products are the way to go!
FYI...nursing helps too! :)

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Saturday Feb. 7

Last night was a success!!! I kept from eating MISD food and desserts. YEA!!! I know this is all about losing weight, but like I said last night...IT is ALL about winning for me!!!!! Love ya'll, but this is the whole reason I do stuff like this! I am VERY competitive and this helps me stick to my goals...So Laurie...YES it is ALL ABOUT winning :)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Getting Ready For Treats!

I was fortunately spared the cake-temptation since I was tutoring, but I think I would've been able to resist. How? I used one of my Tools For Not Freaking Out and Eating Everything I See: I plan a treat!

Planning what I eat is one of the ways I stay on track. I have an idea of what I'll have for dinner, and the rest of the day falls from that. Tonight, since Austin was out of town and I had class after school, I planned on a Sonic dinner!!! I decided what I wanted ahead of time, so I had a treat to look forward to. Fries and a corn dog, whee!

Sometimes, knowing there's yumminess to come helps me resist yumminess right in my face!

This'll be really handy on those treat-laden TAKS days. If I plan "treat dinners," I'll be able to resist all the little munchies throughout the day!

What other ways do you psych yourself up (or out!) to avoid temptation?!? I would love other ideas, so share, my fellow "losers"!

Baby Showers

Well how many of us ate shower cake today????? I think we need to ban showers with great cakes from Floyd! Now I am going to have to walk an extra 5 miles!!!!!!!!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

So this is a first for me! Blogging! Who'dathunk?

We're blaming blowing it today on the Super Bowl? Is that the bowl on my supper table? I'm all for blaming anything and everything on the Super Bowl!!! Yes, me, too. Got on the scales at home, and am relying on them since they are so far off the school, but I hafta work harder. I'm going to! YES, YES, YES!!!! (If I say that often enough, it will become true?) Go Lisa! Go Laurie! Go RaeLynn! and Everyone else as soon as you read this!!!! Yay Us!!! We will do it!!!!

Sunday Feb 1st

Well..I am setting up this blog so we can discuss our weight loss...I thought this might help! Kim thought is would be fun...It is public, like anything you put on the internet, but they would really have to know the blog address.
I have lost NO weight since we began this :( I lost twenty in November and January, but I had to take potatoes and bread out of my diet....Which in the beginning I NEVER cheated..but lately I have cheated a couple of times :) Today being one of those. I could exercise more...that would probably help. I plan on walking with my kids during recess when it gets warm. I miss being cute a skinny!!!!
I wonder how many of us are going to mess up today since it is Superbowl Weekend?????

Love ya'll!!!